Seal of Quality
The certified organic seal guarantees certain safeguards to your customer, verified by a third party: no GMOs, ionizing radiation, or sewage sludge. The regulations also require annual compliance inspections, have a strict list of approved materials, require documentation of organic practices, and provide guidelines for protecting the soil ecology and water quality. For consumers concerned about this level of traceability in their food, certified organic provides that important assurance.
Access to Markets
As a certified organic grower you have many choices about where to sell your product. Many buyers, including many supermarkets and distributors and most cooperatives, seek out and promote organic products because of the increasing demand for organic foods. Whatever your marketing goals, there are many opportunities when you sell as certified organic.
Premium Price in Marketplace
Food labeling can be confusing and misleading, which is why certified organic is an important choice for consumers. Consumers are willing to pay a premium for food that carries the USDA organic seal, or that contains organic ingredients. Acre for acre, growing produce organically has been shown to be more profitable than growing conventionally, and organic dairy prices are also higher and more stable for the farmer.
Environmental Stewardship
As every organic farmer knows, organic production is more than just the avoidance of synthetic fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. It is a whole system of soil management and nutrient cycling to maintain ecological balance, protect water quality, and enhance biodiversity. Organic practices have the power to increase productivity of the land overtime, building fertility and biodiversity for the next generation.
A Growing Movement
Join the growing number of people who address erosion, pollution and reduced soil health through holistic practices of soil, stock, and crop management. Through this choice you will join a supportive network of innovators who continue to advance organic methods and grow the success of the movement through their shared purpose.